
We are among the top 10 Blockchains holders of active patents in the US and around the world (Harrity law firm)

We are among the top 10 Blockchains holders of active patents in the US and around the world (Harrity law firm)

Our patents granted list: 

1) Cryptographic ASIC with onboard permanent context storage and exchange
2) Cryptographic ASIC for key hierarchy enforcement
3) Cryptographic ASIC with autonomous onboard permanent storage
4) Actively controlled series string power supply
5) Performance sensitive series string power supply
6) Cryptographic ASIC for derivative key hierarchy
7) Cryptographic ASIC with self-verifying unique internal identifier
8) Cryptographic ASIC with combined transformation and one-way functions
9) Cryptographic ASIC including circuitry-encoded transformation function
10) Cryptographic ASIC with unique internal identifier